March Madness begins at PMA

Happy March Friends! March madness is upon us :D This month is JAMMED with exciting events!

Our next flash day happens to be the day before Dirty Don’s birthday. SO, this month’s theme is:

Dirty Don’s Tattoo Flash Day! March 14th 1-8pm. Designs will be inspired by some of classic Dirty Don designs as well as some of Dirty Don’s favorite things. Come show some love for Pittsburgh favorite yapper <3 Terrell and Lee had lovely birthdays last month and we wanna show them some love with a shout out here <3 some flash tributes to these pals signature design styles will also be present to honor of this big b-day time of year at PMA Tattoo. WE WILL HAVE MINI CUPCAKES :D

As sheets are completed they will be posted above on this blog as well as on our instagram for yinz. As always, on this date flash sheets as well as designs from our flash library are eligible for booking. Appointments are available as walk-in and prebook (links below).

Pittsburgh Fitness Project has also graciously invited us to tattoo at their annual Devito Classic Weightlifting Meet on March 22nd from 1-7pm. Terrell, Nick, Donovan and Sara Eve will have body positive, weightlifting and Danny Devito themed flash available to tattoo at 5500 Butler Street, Pgh, Pa 15201. As sheets are completed they will be posted on our instagram as well as added to this blog for yinz. Appointments are available as walk-in and prebook (links below).

Sara Eve will be…

As a reminder:

Sara Eve will also be traveling to Philadelphia & guest spottin’ at Floating World Tattoo March 31st to April 2nd. The trip is almost booked, be sure to hit us up now to snag a spot :D


We have also been invited to a fundraising opportunity. Final details are brewing :D This event is a benefit for Not On Our Dime on March 27th from 7-midnight at Spirit Lodge. More Details to come.

We have more events lined up for April. Cannot wait to share what more we have in store for yinz all.

Thank you for supporting our lil shop <3


Sending our LOVE